† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0400502), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11975316 and 11655003), and the Continuous Basic Research Project of China (Grant No. WDJC-2019-02).
High energy γ-ray can be used in many fields, such as nuclear resonant fluorescence, nuclear medicine imaging. One of the methods to generate high-energy γ-ray is nuclear resonant reaction. The 19F (p,αγ) 16O reaction was used to generate 6.13-MeV γ-ray in this work. The angular distribution of 6.13-MeV γ-ray was measured by six LaBr3 detectors. The thick-target yield curve of 6.13-MeV γ-ray had been measured. The maximum yield was determined to be (1.85 ± 0.01) × 10−8 γ/proton, which was measured by HPGe detector and LaBr3 detector. The absolute efficiency of all the detectors was calibrated using 60 Co and 27Al (p,γ) 28Si reaction at Ep = 992 keV. The cross section and total resonant width of the reaction were determined to be 95.1±1.0 mb (1 b = 10−24 cm2) and ΓCM = 2.21±0.22 keV, respectively.
High energy γ-ray can be used in many important applications from γ radiography to nuclear materials detection.[1–3] Lots of applications are strongly related to photonuclear reactions. The cross section of photonuclear reactions reaches its maximum in giant dipole resonance (GDR) energy range.[4] Therefore, γ-rays in a high energy range of 5 MeV–30 MeV have important significance in many aspects. Here we will mainly introduce the applications on nuclear reactor design[5] and nuclear astrophysics.[6–8] In nuclear reactor design, accurate cross sections of photonuclear reactions are needed in many areas as photonuclear reaction plays a non-negligible role in nuclear reactors, such as reactor in-core dosimetry, radiation damage estimates in reactor structural materials, safeguards, and fast reactor calculations, etc. In nuclear astrophysics, one of the unanswered questions is to determine how the heavy elements were synthesized during the evolution of universe.[9] It is widely accepted that the bulk of the nuclei heavier than iron has been synthesized by neutron capture in the astrophysical r- and s-processes. Those neutron-capture processes cannot account for the synthesis of some of the heavy (A ≥ 100) neutron-deficient nuclei. These nuclei are shielded from the chain of β decays by other stable isobars. The production mechanism for these so-called p-nuclei[10] is photodisintegration in the astrophysical γ process by successive(γ, n), (γ, p), and (γ, α) reactions.
The difficulty among these studies discussed above is that photonuclear cross-section data are scarce in GDR energy range,[11,12] and especially there is a lack of data in some important cases. So a bright γ-ray source should be established for studying photonuclear cross-section data. The (p, γ) resonance is a good way to produce high energy monoenergetic γ-ray. There are several different reactions to be chosen to produce high energy γ-ray ranging from 6 MeV to 20 MeV. The energy range just fits in the GDR region. In this work, the 6.13-MeV γ-ray can be generated from the 19F (p, αγ)16O reaction. Also, the19F (p, αγ)16O reaction plays a crucial role for the net CNO mass fraction in nuclear astrophysics.[13] In addition, particle-induced γ-ray emission (PIGE) is a common technique used to detect and analyze elements lighter than calcium.[14] 19F (p, αγ)16O reaction can help to study the concentration of fluorine in dentistry.[15,16] There are a variety of fundamental and applied reasons for studying this reaction.[17] Precise measurements of γ yield must be carried out before these applications are studied using the high-energy γ ray produced by the 19F (p, αγ)16O reaction. According to the Breit–Wingner formula, the cross section and the width of the resonance are the key parameters of the resonance reaction.[18,19]
The measurement for the resonance parameters of the 19F(p, αγ)16O reaction at Ep = 340 keV have been studied by several investigators. They have measured the resonant energy, maximum cross section, and the width of the total reaction, etc. In 1941, Strein measured the thick-target by using the electroscope.[20] In 1948, Bonner performed a new measurement, and obtained the new cross section and total resonance width of the reaction with GM counter.[21] With the development of detectors, Keszthelyi,[22] Dieumegrad,[23] Becker,[24] Uhrmacher,[25] Crof,[26] Spyrou,[27] and Couture[28] performed new experiments for the resonance parameters. But the parameters of resonance they had gotten were different from each other, and few people had measured the angular distribution of 6.13-MeV gamma ray’s yield. The angular distribution of 6.13-MeV gamma ray’s yield has been reported by Von Th Retz-Schmidt and Croft, respectively.[26,29] However, the results are vary widely from each other. There were no sufficient data to support the accuracy of yield of 6.13-MeV γ-ray in previous measurements. It is highly desirable to have a new measurement of the thick target yield with new detectors.
In the present study, we aim at getting the precise thick-target yield of 6.13-MeV γ-ray using the most advanced detectors up to now. First, the absolute efficiencies of HPGe and LaBr3 detectors in energy range of 1.17 MeV–10.70 MeV was calibrated. Then the angular distribution of 6.13-MeV γ ray’s yield had been measured, and the thick-target yield of 6.13-MeV γ-ray has been calculated. The flux of γ source from the resonant reaction 19F (p, αγ)16O at Ep = 340 keV was determined finally. The new reference values of the total width of resonance and the maximum cross section were gained.
The experiment was performed at the 2×1.7-MeV tandem accelerator in China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). In this experiment, the current of proton beam was about 6 μA. In order to ensure the yield of 6.13-MeV γ-ray only from the resonant reaction at Ep = 340 keV, the proton beam was accelerated to the energies from 322 keV to 434 keV with a beam-spot of 4 mm, and the beam bombarded onto the natural LiF target. The thickness of target is 180 μ g/cm2. The target was evaporated on an air-cooled Ta disk which is 300-μm thickness with a diameter of 19.5 mm. As a vacuum barrier, the Ta disk placed at the end of the beam pipe. The beam pipe is 400-mm long and with an inner diameter of 18 mm. The beam pipe was electrically isolated from the the pipe in the upstream. So we used the beam pipe for recording the quantity of protons. The escape probability for secondary electrons is approximately 0.013% by assuming an isotropic emission. Wilson[30] and Criswell, et al.[31] had proven that the secondary electron emission has smaller cross sections at most backward angles. Therefore, the charge collection was reliable. A pure Ta disk of 300 μm in thickness was used to evaluate the in-beam background.
One coaxial HPGe detector and six LaBr3 detectors of ϕ3× 4 inch (1 inch = 2.54 cm) were used for detecting the γ-ray. In the experiment, the HPGe detector was placed at 14.5-cm distance from the target position at 72° in the direction of proton beam. In order to get the yield of full space, the LaBr3 detectors were used to detect the γ-ray angular distribution from 0° to 165°. We used six LaBr3 detectors placed at 50-cm distance from the target position at 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 150° to the beam axis, respectively. The experiment data of 15°, 45°, 75°, 105°, 135°, and 165° had been obtained by increasing 15° of each LaBr3 detector’s direction. The HPGe detector was used as a monitor of the yield at the same time. The experimental setup is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. Layout of experimental setup. The target is at the end of the beam pipe. LaBr3 detectors were used for measuring the angular distribution of γ-ray’s yield. |
In 19F(p, αγ)16O resonance reaction, the energy of γ-ray we concerned is 6.13 MeV, so we should calibrate the efficiency of HPGe and LaBr3 detectors at this energy. However, the maximum energy of γ-ray from γ-ray sources is only about 3.5 MeV. The common method for calibrating the efficiency in high energy range is using the γ-ray from (p, γ) and (n, γ) reactions. The γ-ray form 1.77 MeV to 10.76 MeV could be generated from the 27Al (p, γ) 28Si reaction at Ep = 992 keV which usually as a standard reaction for efficiency calibration.[32] So we used 60Co and 27Al (p, γ) 28Si reaction at Ep = 992 keV for calibrating the efficiency of all the detectors. The solid angle keeps the same during the calibration and bombarding the target. The energy calibration of detectors has been performed with 1.46-MeV γ-ray and 2.16-MeV γ-ray of natural radioactive nuclide, 40K and 208Bi.
We calibrated the absolute full-peak efficiencies at 1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV using 60Co and the absolute full-peak efficiencies in an energy range of 1.77 MeV–10.76 MeV using 27Al(p,γ) 28Si reaction. Finally, we obtained the absolute full-peak efficiencies from an energy range of 1.17 MeV–10.76 MeV. For a better fit, the absolute full-peak efficiency was determined by the full-peak efficiencies curve with the least-squares fit. Figure
Finally, we determined the absolute efficiency of 6.13-MeV γ-ray for HPGe is ε = 1.44× 10−4, and the absolute efficiency of 6.13-MeV γ-ray for LaBr3 at 0° is ε = 1.45× 10−4. These data were used for calculating the yield of 6.13-MeV γ-ray.
The spectrum of γ-ray measured by HPGe detector and LaBr3 detector at 75° is shown in Fig.
As we can see in Figs.
To determine the 19F(p,αγ)16O reaction cross sections, it is necessary to obtain the absolute number of produced compound nuclei Ncomp. An excited compound nucleus always decays to the ground state. So the Ncomp is equal to the total counts 6.13-MeV γ-ray of 4π. We use Y as the thick-target yield of 4π.
The measurement of the angular distribution is necessary for calculating the yield in full space.[26,29] The γ-ray angular distribution of emission probability is related to the initial and final spin angular momenta of the de-excitation. The relative intensity data were measured with LaBr3 detectors and fitted by Legendre function which could be expressed to W(θ) = A0 + A2P2cos(θ) + A4P4cos(θ). The angular distribution of 6.13-MeV gamma ray is shown in Fig.
The formula of thick-target yield can be written as
The width of the resonance can be correction as
We measured the thick target yield curve of 6.13-MeV γ-ray from 19F(p, αγ)16O reaction with beam energy of 322 keV–434 keV, as shown in Fig.
Finally, we determined the thick-target yield of 6.13-MeV γ-ray from the resonant reaction 19F (p, αγ)16O at Ep = 340 keV is (1.85±0.01)× 10−8 γ/proton. The total resonance width of the reaction was determined by the absolute value of the energy difference corresponds to 25%–75% of the maximum yield in the thick target yield curve. An apparent resonance width of 2.7 keV is deduced from Fig.
Precise measurements of 6.13-MeV γ-ray have been made by our laboratory. Some key parameters havee been provided. The experimental parameters measured in the present work are also compared with the previous experimental data. And the specific details were shown in Table
![]() | Table 1. Measured resonance parameters compared with others. . |
High energy γ-ray is useful in many fields. The yield of 6.13-MeV γ-ray from 19F(p, αγ)16O reaction was reported diverse from each experiment. For exploring the high energy γ-ray from resonant reaction, we performed a new measurement for confirming 6.13-MeV γ-ray’s thick target yield of 19F(p, αγ)16O reaction. The detector we used in our experiment is a high resolution coaxial HPGe detector and high resolution LaBr3 detectors. Besides, in order to calculate the yield of 6.13-MeV γ-ray at 4π, the angular distribution has been determined. We determined the 6.13-MeV γ-ray’s flux from 19 F(p, αγ)16O to be (1.85±0.01)× 10−8γ/proton. The width of the resonance and the maximum cross section were obtained from the present research.
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